
Type Of Cancers

Maecenas cursus vehicula venenatis imperdiet auctor praesent. Elementum platea duis proin efficitur ullamcorper tellus scelerisque.

Breast Cancer

Fusce auctor potenti faucibus lacinia rutrum tortor ex lacus habitasse tristique elementum.

Oral Cancer

Fusce auctor potenti faucibus lacinia rutrum tortor ex lacus habitasse tristique elementum.

Cervical Cancer

Fusce auctor potenti faucibus lacinia rutrum tortor ex lacus habitasse tristique elementum.

Major Causes of Breast, Oral, and Cervical Cancers

Hormonal Factors

Prolonged exposure to estrogen without breaks, early menstruation, late menopause, or hormone replacement therapy can increase risk.

Tobacco Use

Smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, alcohol consumption or using smokeless tobacco greatly increases the risk of oral cancer

Weak Immune System

Immunodeficiency due to conditions like HIV/AIDS or immunosuppressive medications can increase vulnerability to HPV infections and subsequent cervical cancer.

Poor Oral Hygiene:

Chronic irritation from poorly fitting dentures, chronic dental issues, or poor oral hygiene may contribute

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